One of the biggest differences between high school and college is the amount of free time in between classes. While homework and jobs will take up a portion of your free time, incorporating campus involvement into your schedule will help you find a true sense of belonging. Here are a few tips for joining a club or organization.

Know the difference: clubs versus organizations
The two can be commonly confused as the same thing, but there are some key differences to keep in mind. A club is commonly dedicated to special interests such as video games, crafting, or reading. The time commitment and attendance requirements are generally more manageable since it is hobby-based. Meanwhile, organizations tend to be academic or professional groups, sometimes with a larger affiliation on the state or national level. This could be social or professional sororities and fraternities, intramurals, or multi-cultural groups. Organizations might also have specific requirements for joining like area of study or GPA and often have a strong leadership structure.

Start small: quality over quantity
As tempting as it may be to sign up for every group that interests you, don’t overcommit yourself. Clubs and organizations often dedicate their first meeting of the semester to a general interest session. Feel free to attend a handful to determine which ones you are most excited about potentially joining and narrow down your options. A good rule of thumb is to balance involvement with one special interest club and one academic or professional organization.

Attend the student activities fair
Most schools host a student activities fair at the start of the academic year. Taking place over a few hours, this is an event that allows clubs and organizations to promote themselves to new and current students. It’s a great way to explore opportunities for involvement on campus and diverse interests you may not have considered before. Bonus perk: many groups like to hand out freebies!

Follow clubs and organizations on social media
If you’re unable to attend the student activities fair or want to learn more about a group you’ve already interacted with, check them out on their social media channels. Doing so will help you get a better idea of what their events or meetings look like. You might even find that a few of your new friends have also followed them!

Go with a friend
If you’re scared at the thought of going to a meeting by yourself, invite a friend to join! Even better, go to the student activities fair together and see if there are any groups you have a shared interest in.

But don’t be afraid to go alone. Joining a club or organization is one of the most common ways to make new friends in college, and you’re bound to find a group of people with similar interests as you. Stay open to meeting new people and regularly attending meetings or events, and you’ll set yourself up for success in your involvement.

Learn more about Drake’s 150+ student clubs and organizations here.